Club Rules & Code of Conduct
To ensure that all players are afforded equitable playing time and optimal conditions, the use of the courts are subject to certain rules as described here. Review the rules, print out a hard copy, and do not be shy about speaking up when you recognize a departure from them.
To play at Springfield Tennis Club or participate in club endorsed activities, events, or programs you must be a Registered Member.
Courts can only be booked Online using our court booking system. There will no longer be any in-person booking at the court using the Springfield Board. The rules for ONLINE BOOKINGS are outlined below.
- Only members can book a court for themselves and their fellow playing member(s) or guest – no substitution of names is allowed.
- All names of players must be listed on the online court booking.
- Guests are welcome to play at the Club when accompanied by a member. A guest fee of $15 per guest is required. It is a member’s responsibility to book and pay the required fee for their guest(s) within 30 minutes of the online booking – otherwise the booking will be cancelled.
- Court time is limited to 60 Minutes for Singles and 90 Minutes for Doubles, unless no other member has signed up for the next time slot.
- Members cannot circumvent the 60-minute court time rule in any way, for example, members playing together cannot each book consecutively.
- Members can have a maximum of two bookings per day under the following conditions. The first booking will be permitted the day prior to the scheduled play date and the second booking will be permitted the day of the scheduled play date. If you attempt to make two bookings for the same day in advance, you will receive an error message. NOTE: Back to back bookings are still NOT ALLOWED. You cannot book 2 hours or more of continuous play.
- As a courtesy, members must cancel any bookings if they are not able to play. Once two no-shows are reported, your court booking privileges may be revoked.
- It is understood that members in play will leave the court according to this schedule if other members are waiting.
- If someone has an online booking, but someone is already playing on their court, the online person has the right to the court and can ask the people on the court to leave. A confirmed online booking takes precedence over the occupancy of a court by a member who has not booked it (e.g. stayed past end of booking time, walk-ins).
Any violation of these rules will result in termination of your club membership.
- Do not disturb others while play is in progress – in particular:
- Enter and Exit through the gate nearest to your court. Courts 1 & 2 should use the front gate on the south-west side, and courts 3 & 4 should use the back, north-east gate on the other side of the clubhouse.
- Remain outside the courts while play is in progress.
- Do not walk behind courts while play is in progress.
- Wait for a break in play before asking players to return your ball.
- NEVER, under any circumstances, return balls to a court while play is in progress. ALWAYS wait for play to stop, inform the court, ensure that players are aware, and gently push the ball in an angle towards the back fence.
- All players must wear appropriate attire (tennis shoes, shirt).
- The club maintains a Club Calendar which indicates when some courts may be unavailable for use.
- Members behaving in an aggressive, disrespectful, or offensive manner, will be asked to leave the courts.
- It is unacceptable for Members to abuse, bully, harass, or defame, one another, any Board Members, visitors, or the general public, within the vicinity of Springfield Tennis Club, and this will not be tolerated. Members are encouraged to submit a complaint to the Board if subject or witness to, any abuse, harassment, or defamation. The Board takes reports of complaints very seriously and if deemed necessary Members will be invited to attend a Hearing.
- Any violation of Club Rules may result in revocation of Membership, and/or expulsion from Springfield Tennis Club, at the discretion of the Board.
Tennis Canada publishes “ The Rules of the Court” which is intended as a resource for players at all levels and governs Inter-County play.